Holistic Health


What Does Holistic Health & Wellness Look Like?




Holistic Health & Wellness envisions the ability to embrace the physical, psychological, and the spiritual perception and perspective as a wholesome collective.  Wellness is not so much the absence of health as it is the negating of the unconstructive behaviors and attitudes that infiltrate the mind.  We are of mind, body, and spirit and if any imbalance exists, the whole being must be examined.    

Productive Exercise



Physical Activity and its benefits for better health and wellness are many, but with the increase in sedimentary careers and conveniences to live leisurely - physical activities and fitness have taken a back seat in the the daily routine.   

Increasing the physical activities may be life changing and life saving.  Research indicates that the more active the body, the less likely of dying prematurely - If that’s not a motivator for exercising.  Strokes and heart disease are two of the most significant causes of death in adults.  So, if we do not participate in physical activities on a regular basis we have increased health related episodes and depression (health.gov).  

A physically active adult is least likely to develop diabetes and has a reduced risk of osteoporosis.   Senior lifestyles may be challenged from medication usage and isolation.  Cognitive function decreases as physical limitations increase.  Functional and motor skills are reduced making it difficult for self-care, which endangers independence. 

Proper Elimination


Elimination involves several body systems to remove accumulated toxins and unused nutrients.  The body is constantly trying to rid poisons through vomiting, urination, bowel movements, and perspiration.  When the body’s systems are overwhelmed with toxins, it reflects in fatigue, stress, and infections, which may be discernable with the progression of moody behavior, insomnia, headaches, digestive issues, and so on.  It is a worthwhile practice to integrate an organized detoxification and fasting bi-annually, but not coinciding.  Both proactive protocols rebalance the body and restore energy while clearing the body systems of stored toxins. 

Stress Reduction



Relief in the ability to process the reaction to a physical or emotional stress may include incorporating meditation, tai chi, or stretching into a daily routine.  Spiritual belief can have a profound effect on the mind and attitude that transcends thinking.  Vitality and an optimistic interpretation of life and circumstance are recognized beneficial in counterbalancing any damaging mind and body connection.  

Wholesome Nutrition



Hippocrates stated, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food,” nonetheless most patients will continue to engage in behaviors that are proven detrimental the healing and recovery process.  

Eating well consists of eating foods that are beneficial in absorbable nutrients.  Juicing organic, fresh foods is optimal.  Research supports that fasting by ingesting the juice of fresh - organic vegetables and fruits are least expected to disrupt the healing processes and regulate the body with regular infusions of the nutrients inherent within the produce.  

Extraction of the nutritional fibers from produce is soothing to the body and this permits for the best absorption of vitamins and minerals to enhance the pulling out of toxic material with a lessening in additional anxieties. 



Sometimes we need to step outside of our own circumstances and observe an alternative perspective.  By volunteering for a charity, engaging in spiritual renewal, or tending to someone that needs support.  We can ALWAYS be grateful for the blessings in life and learn to laugh at ourselves. Let us encourage others with loving words, be gentle in spirit, and edify one another.